The Audio Days are a French pro audio show organized by Hors Phase magazine.
The 2017 edition of the Audio Days will be held in the SAE Institute Paris (France) on April 10 – 11, 2017.
The insufficient exposure of pro audio at the big French shows (SATIS, SIEL…) entrusts us to expand the Audio Days and stick to its main concept:
-We want to maximize the contact between users and manufacturers of audio equipment.
-We want to offer as well a consistent program of conferences about the techniques and technologies of the audio world.
During the Audio Days, you will be able to directly access the manufacturers presenting their gear.
You will also have the possibility to listen to conferences given by audio designers about the gear that makes you dream or the machines you daily manipulate.
Who are the Audio Days for?
The Audio Days are open to every one interested in the audio world.
It focuses specifically on world class high end equipment.
Access to the Audio Days is free, the partners of the event supporting the cost of the show.
Only one condition is requested: please come with an open mind and the desire to discover and share.
– The Audio Days Team –